After a little period of inactivity I’m back giving you the latest from Geoff’s Asian Adventures.
Since last we “spoke” I have traveled to Busan for my nice long weekend; had school picnic day and I have seen the following movies: “Water for Elephant” (with one of my schools on a staff outing); “Source Code” (with Sandy on the 1st public Holiday that lead to a long long weekend); and “Thor” (this past weekend).
Here is my very un-Barry-Ronge-like review of them all
Water for Elephants
Staring Reese Whitherspoon and what’s-his-face Pattinson from the dreadful Vampire trilogy that shall not be named –
A “Titanic” type story where a man recounts how he first joined the circus back in the American prohibition days. He is a failed Vet, who for some reason or another (I don’t know because I missed the 1st 10min of the movie), is running from someone/something and ends up hitching a ride on a train that is moving a circus around the country. He meets the circus owner’s wife, falls in love with her and is also given an elephant to look after. Not my first choice of flick so see.
I was supposed to be given a choice of film but that offer was retracted along with a number of other Admin promises made about this day-long story short reaffirming my reasoning why I have not signed on for this for another year.
That said back to the movie…
A standard romance really. Reese Whitherspoon was elegant. The elephant was cool (in my opinion she should have featured more according to the title). If Vampire-boy does it for you then go ahead and see it. I have seen better romance based movies but it was not bad.
Source Code
I have seen a few action flicks this year (“Red”, “Inception”, “Indestructible”, “The American”…) all of which I enjoyed and all of which have their merits. This movie however ranks 2nd (behind Inception) for its creativity and action packed, explosion filled nature. It was anticipated by both Sandy and I when we saw the trailer and it didn’t disappoint.
Staring Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Jeffery Wright and Vera Farminga, it is a clever Sci-Fi idea about stuff that happens to the brain before death. (I am being deliberately because I recommend you see it! Really enjoyed the 2 hours I spent watching that movie and think you should do the same.
What more do you need. Superheroes; Cool battle suits; A man mountain of a lead character who dominates when he corrects the wrongs he created; fights, lightening and of course Natalie Portman (Interesting movie to be in following “Black Swan”).
Again a very nice way to spend a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon. Action packed with some pleasantly surprising witty humor and a very well chose cast, Chris Hemsworth has a few more action flicks in him and I look forward to his appearance in “The Avengers”
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