Much time has passed since my last post.
In this time I have made a patriotic bowl come mug (still trying to decide which object the size of it dictates it is)...
... and seen a couple of 4D movies (and 4D is not all it is cracked up to be - MegaMind is good fun even in 2D and The Green Hornet is crap no matter how many D’s you see it in).
I met a bloke on a train who is now a Korean pen pal of mine, contemplated the beauty of Africa while watching the sun set.
I have marveled at the living organism that is any modern day city and stayed at a Zen Martial Arts temple (where I met a couple of awesome Germans, an Irishman, a chap from The States and a young lady from Swellendam).
I have gone in search of a House and Home type store only to come back with Breakfast for the next Month; and finally visited some dear friends at a PICTUREsque (with picture/photo being the emphasis here) but far from costal’ly pretty/impressive, (when one compares the beaches at Cannon Rocks or Llandudno for example) city...
...,where I hung out at a Coffee Shop that was running wild with some real hip CATS.
I have also experienced a proper Snow Day such that I stayed home from work because the snow was too thick for me to get in and sung Kareoke with a couple of drunk Koreans.
Along the way I have taken many an artistic picture.
3 fisherman in a panoramic experiment |
Varied of length documentation of these events may or may not occur, for that you will have to wait and see but soon to follow I will begin by telling you about my 2 days that I spent@the temple.
Keep your ears open and your eyes peeled...
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