As I start this post I realise that everything I do from now on, on this blog, is out of sync/behind schedule, and not just a little bit but by like weeks! This is the tragedy of blogging. Just when you have written one post, you have a thought or do something awesome, either of which is worth writing about (the awesome activity, in particular, becomes a problem as it is normally accompanied by pictures which need to be carefully selected and edited and then painstakingly shrunk to fit on the interweb), thus it is time to write again. I can’t keep up. Sigh – in this vain I will refer you to my friend Stuart’s blog – Just Blog off which was set up with the idea being a blog about blogging (but as with all blogs has been a chronicle of thoughts and experiences that sometimes is interrupted by a post on the reason for writing the blog in the 1st place).
That little side rant out of the way...
I am going to share, in this post, my experience of my first trip to Daejeon. The purpose of this trip was too see Deborah (the week before the F1 adventure with her) and Andrea, as well as meeting up with Lauren, Jasmine and Natasha, as we were all attending the Deli Tours Festival 2010. This festival was to share foods of the world and to have a “free” rock concert with 15 acts (mainly from Korea) as entertainment.
Oh and of course there would be “some drinks” as well ;)
The weekend started with my trip to Daejeon. About an hour before I was scheduled to catch my train, on Friday after school, I still had no place to stay for Friday night. In a chance chat/confirmation of travel plans with Andrea, she offered her floor space to crash on for the night. I was so so grateful. I didn’t have to arrive at a place I didn’t know, spend money and rush around trying to find people the next day. I went on the KTX train to arrive there at about 22:30 and when I got there a nice man got me into a taxi and I gave him the instructions, Andy sent to me, to get me to where I would meet her.
It was a very odd experience climbing into a taxi hoping to get to the right place but not really knowing where I was going. That said I got there W7400 later and there was Andy standing patiently waiting for me despite the late hour.
Andrea lives about a 7 min walk away from where she teaches so she met me there and we walked to her place where we stayed up chatting and catching up until about 01:00 then we went to sleep only to get up at 07:30 so that we could catch the bus into Daejeon Centre to meet Deborah so that the girls could have their hair done. Having got in so late to Andrea’s place and then chatting for as long as we did, it was certainly an internal struggle to leave my sleeping bag!
Eventually after doing so and having a couple of “naarjies” and a yoghurt for breakfast we leave Andrea’s place and climb on the series of busses we needed to use (NOTE for Travellers: Daejeon does have a Subway line but it is only 1 line and it only operates in the centre of the city, not the Burbs where most people live. Thus try use the busses as the taxi ride could get expensive).
On the walk to the bus-stop. My hair is now a lot longer as we start December... |
Those busses were pretty busy and I had a massive backpack with me so I felt a little selfish with all the space I was occupying...
Eventually we get off the bus and take a walk to “Timeworld” which is the location of the more exclusive but still regularly frequented department store called Galleria. This is where we met Deb and the girls departed to do girly things while I was left to my own devices in this GIANT metropolis. For the 1st time I felt like a real tourist. Picture this...
A caucasian male of English decent standing in the middle of a bustling city which is located in the centre of South Korea. On his back is a hiker’s backpack. In his eyes were the glittering array of opportunities and sights to see and in his way – was nothing. He was free to move as the wind moved past him.
I wondered around the city and eventually stumbled upon Mammut Outdoor ware (SEE GOOGLE MAP HERE: ). I enter the shop and notice the large choice of not only hiking gear (which is found in every sports shop in Korea, in fact in every clothing shop) but there is also an assortment of climbing gear, alla belay devices, chalkbags, slings, cramp-on’s, harnesses and such etc... I required a chalk bag as my intention (at that point and still is) was to do a lot of climbing while I was here. So I purchase said chalk bag as well as an awesome pair of gloves and 2 beanies. While in the process of doing this I get chatting to the manager of the shop. His wife runs it while he oversees it as he is actually a civil engineer by profession. He offers me coffee and gives me both the shop business card as well as his personal business card. When I go to pay for said items they knock off 30 000 off the total cost and give me a catalogue, 2 bandanas, 2 pairs of short socks, and 2 branded carry bags... FOR FREE! They were awesome! After originally leaving the shop I actually went back to get a photo with these people at their shop.
Shopping done for the morning (or so I thought) I am walking back to more familiar ground-i.e. Timeworld, when I see a Krispy Cream savoury shop. Having tried Dunkin Donuts and one other American import I decide it is time to try another to be able to compare them. I get myself a lovely savoury scone with Bacon, egg and cheese and while away an hour enjoying the people and traffic of this hectic city passing me by.
When I return to Timeworld I am now waiting for Lauren to arrive from Ulsan so I take a walk through Galleria itself and I end up finding, in the foreign foods section, canned chopped tomatoes, baked beans and a whole bunch of spices I thought I wouldn’t find in Korea other than in Seoul. I proceed to purchase the lot, and now I AM finished my shopping.
I meet up with Lauren in an underground walkway where I am then, yet again, rueing my male’ness, taken on another “I just want to go and have a look in that shop” journey.
Eventually we get hungry so the browsing and sometimes buying stops and head to find some food in the food court of the Galleria centre, where there were all kinds of labels (like: Western food, Italian food, Korean food, Chinese food, Sushi)...
...but it was pretty much Korean food despite the labels. Lunch was followed by going to meet up with Andrea and Deb as they were having lunch and we are joined by Jasmine and Natasha
And so begins operation “Find our motel”...
Now it must be noted that slowly and surely the sun was setting and things got very tricky. We had been told that “Sumhoja Motel”, where we were set to stay, is about a 5min walk from the Government complex subway station. The Government complex station was about a 10min walk from Galleria, so we set off. 10 min done and we were safely at the Subway Station. Now to find the Motel. We walk and walk and walk, never mind 5 min, 100min went by and we still could not find the place despite repeated calls to Deb for direction. Truth be told I was not worried but was getting really annoyed at the panic from my motel companions. Eventually a place on the skyline is pointed out and we start walking towards it. HOTEL TOKYO – it was called. (NOTE FOR TRAVELLERS: HOTELS are expensive. MOTELS are considerably cheaper and just as adequate if you only need a place to lie your weary bones.) We had been told the Motel cost 30 000 Won for a room. This Hotel cost 60 000 Won PER PERSON. Thanks to our “lost in translation” moments we had thought that it cost 60 000 Won for the room so 20 000 each. This was an amount we were prepared to pay, so we filled in the forms and did the Admin and were then asked for 180 000 Won. We could not understand why this was the case. Eventually we figured it out and decided to decline the rooms on offer. HOWEVER the experience was not a total loss – while we were filling out our forms we saw a basket that read: “Take one please!” – it was a smallish straw basket filled with soaps, so we each grabbed one thinking that we were staying there. We didn’t end up staying there but forgot to put the soaps back. Only once we had walk about 5min away from the hotel did we realise this and had a good laugh at our “fortune”.
A couple of last ditched calls to Deb and we eventually found the motel and it was so much better than I had expected. 50cm flat screen LCD TV...
... free internet and 3 bed all for just 30 000 for the room! We put our stuff down, freshen up and grab a taxi to the concert site at the Daejeon Convention Centre.
It was a really nice set up and there were so so many foreigners. I no longer felt like a commodity what with all the South African accents surrounding me. With all the home flavour and all the drinking that was going on it felt like I was back in Grahamstown on a Saturday night at the The Rat! Funnily enough that feeling got even stronger as I bumped into Dale Hutton and his girlfriend Roxy as well as Clair, a young woman who studied journalism with my brother.
Dale and Claire with me at the Festival |
I had known Dale since I started at Rhodes as we were both RUMC member though he was a far more dedicated and talented climber than I was. I spent the evening hanging out with South African and had a Chicken Curry and Tandoori for supper. It was really great to have that feeling of home. The amount of different food that were on offer were from Mexican to Chinese, Turkish, Indian, American, Brazilian, and of course Korean.
I stood in line for AN HOUR for my food but it was in the end worth it (I think). It was so so much fun to hang out with Deb particularly as I think we have the same mindset on the over-partying vibe.
The music in the main was really good. Here is a sample:
All the while there was a range of Korean and Western rock music going on but suddenly it stopped and they started to clear up the stage. The worst think you could have done was take away the only source of entertainment for a very large bunch of drunk foreigners. I later found out that the organisers had actually not got permission to hold the concert so some local called the cops to complain about the noise and the gig was shut down. Much sadness for me and my new friends...
What with our disappointment of the lack of music, Lauren and I went in search of some rice wine which we acquired and finally drunk. Suddenly I was being pulled in the direction of the parking lot being told that the music had stopped so everyone was heading into the downtown area for more drinking and partying. We (Andrea, Lauren, Natasha, Jasmine, myself and some other chat I can’t remember) start walking along the road hoping to catch a taxi (though that was never going to happen as the Taxi’s refused to stop for us as there were too many drunk people and we were all over the road) and next thing I know Andrea, Lauren and some other people who we were in a group with climb into someone private car and disappear. I thought it was very impressive that they could just hitch a ride like that however since I could not see Jasmine and Tash I was trying to get them to stop climbing in the car and wait for us, to no avail though, as they sped off into the distance. Thus leaving me standing on the side of the road, in a city I have no idea, how to navigate, wondering how I would get back to my motel room. Jasmine and Tash re-appear and we are joined by an American chap named Ryan (He sounds Irish but he said it is because he hangs around with so many Irish friends), and an Irish chap named Fenton.
They were top notch guys really friendly and helpful. They stay in Daejeon so we caught a taxi with them and got to this bar called Yellow Taxi that everyone was going to, to continue drinking. At this point in the evening (about 01:15) I was not in the mood and just wanted to get to bed. I hung around with Tash and Jasmine because they were my motel mates and we thought it best to stay together to find our way back. HOWEVER I eventually decided to make my way back and let Jasmine and Tash continue their night out. I knew where I was because when the Taxi dropped us off I saw that we were not far from Galleria which meant only about a 15min walk away from the motel. I found the motel without a problem, showered and went to bed – leaving the door unblocked so that Tash and Jasmine would not have to wake me to get in. I later found out that they only got in at about 04:00 and I was super impressed with them and how quiet they were. I didn’t hear a thing when they came in, so thank-you ladies!
The next day my train was at 12:00 so I slowly get up at about 10:00ish and we all go in search of some food. I ended up choosing the Korean version of a toasted sandwich (NOTE TRAVELLERS: if you every want one – DO NOT have it with the hot sauce!) and make my way to the train station arriving 5min before my train was due to leave – perfect timing!.
That was my weekend in Daejeon and what a weekend it was – so much enjoyed and I hope to get back there soon!
Posts to come: Halloween Folly, Paragliding (As yet untitled) and my trip in to the hills... oh and a transport and food post as well ;)
Stay Tuned to Geoff’s Asian Adventure!
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